1. First occasion
- At point A (price around 135) price line makes crossover giving a buy signal.
- 15 day moving average further supports the price line at points B, C and D .
- At point E(price around 340) it breaches MA giving a sell signal.
- Profit is around 150% .
- Gain is 205 Rs(from 135Rs to 340Rs).
- Time Period from mid march 09 to July start 09.
2. Second occasion
- Price line crossover near point F with price around 290 a buy signal is generated.
- Support to price line at point G .
- A sell signal is generated at point H (price around 590).
- Profit is more than 100%.
- Gain is 300 Rs(from 290Rs to 590Rs).
- Time period from August 09 end to October 09 end.
3. Third occasion
- In November 2009 at point T when price is at 560 a crossover gives buy signal .
- Supports at points I and J .
- An exit signal at breach at point K(price around 800) giving a pretty good profit.
- Profit is about 42 %.
- Gain is 240 Rs(from 560Rs to 800Rs).
- Time period from start of November 09 to end of February 2010.